If stars are not automatically displayed by clicking on 'integrate Trustreviews' in your Trustreviews app settings, please follow these steps:
Add stars to my product pages. (For themes 2.0)
1- Go to the online store -> customize
2- Choose the relevant product page.
3- Follow the steps in the screenshot below:
In your product information, click on ''Add a block'' and choose the ''Trustreviews'' application (See 2nd photo). Move the Trustreviews block below your product title
Show stars on the home page
If you want to display the stars on a product on your home page, the same method applies but the code is different. Copy/paste and use the code below:
{% raw %}
{%- assign product = section.settings.product -%}
{% endraw %}
<a href="#trustreviewsFrame"><div class="trustreviews-rating" data-id="{{ product.id }}" data-rating="{{ product.metafields.trustreviews.avg_rating }}" data-raters="{{ product.metafields.trustreviews.num_reviews }}"></div></a>